One day i've decided to remove Prettier from my tool set. Because ESLint itself can format the code, just like the Prettier.
Thus, why do i need one more config to maintain?
Formatting Vue, JS, TS files with ESLint.
Automatic code fixes with the help of ESLint + Stylelint.
"scss.validate": false,
"css.validate": false,
"less.validate": false,
Turning off default CSS formatting and various preprocessors (now its handled by Stylelint).
"stylelint.validate": [
Purpose of Stylelint is to validate/lint Vue, CSS, SCSS, PostCSS and Less files.
"eslint.workingDirectories": [
Paths depends on the setup of your project. It is recommended to apply above settings inside Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON), so it won't mess up with your other projects.